本帖最后由 moonstar 于 2021-12-3 10:24 编辑
2012年,波恩大学的物理学家们建议了一种方法,来检验我们所处的宇宙是不是一个模拟器(Is it real? Physicists propose method to determine if the universe is a simulation)。方法是基于量子色动力学构建网格,看是否能找到网格的端点或棱。全文如下:
A common theme of science fiction movies and books is the idea that we're all living in a simulated universe—that nothing is actually real. This is no trivial pursuit: some of the greatest minds in history, from Plato, to Descartes, have pondered the possibility. Though, none were able to offer proof that such an idea is even possible. Now, a team of physicists working at the University of Bonn have come up with a possible means for providing us with the evidence we are looking for; namely, a measurable way to show that our universe is indeed simulated. They have written a paper describing their idea and have uploaded it to the preprint server arXiv.
The team's idea is based on work being done by other scientists who are actively engaged in trying to create simulations of our universe, at least as we understand it. Thus far, such work has shown that to create a simulation of reality, there has to be a three dimensional framework to represent real world objects and processes. With computerized simulations, it's necessary to create a lattice to account for the distances between virtual objects and to simulate the progression of time. The German team suggests such a lattice could be created based on quantum chromodynamics—theories that describe the nuclear forces that bind subatomic particles.
To find evidence that we exist in a simulated world would mean discovering the existence of an underlying lattice construct by finding its end points or edges. In a simulated universe a lattice would, by its nature, impose a limit on the amount of energy that could be represented by energy particles. This means that if our universe is indeed simulated, there ought to be a means of finding that limit. In the observable universe there is a way to measure the energy of quantum particles and to calculate their cutoff point as energy is dispersed due to interactions with microwaves and it could be calculated using current technology. Calculating the cutoff, the researchers suggest, could give credence to the idea that the universe is actually a simulation. Of course, any conclusions resulting from such work would be limited by the possibility that everything we think we understand about quantum chromodynamics, or simulations for that matter, could be flawed.
More information: Constraints on the Universe as a Numerical Simulation, arXiv:1210.1847 [hep-ph]
Observable consequences of the hypothesis that the observed universe is a numerical simulation performed on a cubic space-time lattice or grid are explored. The simulation scenario is first motivated by extrapolating current trends in computational resource requirements for lattice QCD into the future. Using the historical development of lattice gauge theory technology as a guide, we assume that our universe is an early numerical simulation with unimproved Wilson fermion discretization and investigate potentially-observable consequences. Among the observables that are considered are the muon g-2 and the current differences between determinations of alpha, but the most stringent bound on the inverse lattice spacing of the universe, b^(-1) >~ 10^(11) GeV, is derived from the high-energy cut off of the cosmic ray spectrum. The numerical simulation scenario could reveal itself in the distributions of the highest energy cosmic rays exhibiting a degree of rotational symmetry breaking that reflects the structure of the underlying lattice.
在著名的宇宙学家Martin Rees的《六个数》一书中,他用了六个基本常数,探讨了我们从何而来?到何处去?其中有两个数字与基本相互作用力有关,两个确定了宇宙的大小和基本结构,另外另个则确定了空间本身的性质。这六个数字组成了一个制造宇宙的“秘方”,如果其中任何一个数字出现“失调”,那宇宙就会截然不同,也就不可能会有星体和生命。这六个数的值或宇宙中的其它常数究竟是一种残酷的现实还是一种巧合?或者是被精心挑选的?这是大自然最深奥的秘密之一。
对于这六个数或者宇宙的其它参数所显示出的精密调谐,不同的人有许多不同的反应。有人认为如果这些数字没有按适当的“特殊”方式进行调整,那就没有我们的存在:我们明显地就在这里,因此没什么好惊讶的。而有的人则认为这些数字的“调谐”是因为我们有一个仁慈的造物主。Martin Rees则认为或许这是多重宇宙的一个证据:这些数字在不同的地方,照样会有无限多个不同的宇宙存在,只有在这些数字“正确”组合的宇宙里,我们才得以出现。
在理论上,当计算机能力提升到一定程度,我们可以模拟在整个宇宙历史过程中的每个粒子。如果是量子计算机,它可以使每个单独的粒子保持在不确定性的量子态,因此它可以在模拟中把万物似乎都具有的基本量子不确定性都考虑进去。如果在这个模拟中,会产生行星,并且有智慧生命生活其中,那么他们有没有办法证明自己是生活在一个模拟世界? NASA科学家Rich Terrile认为:“所有我们认为是连续的东西——时间、能量、空间和体积——的大小都是有限的。如果情况的确如此,那么我们的宇宙就同时可计算并且是有限的。这些性质允许我们的宇宙被模拟。”
模拟假说虽然很吸引人,但并不是所有人都能够被说服。在今年四月有一群科学家就这个话题展开了一场激烈辩论,哈佛大学的理论物理教授Lisa Randall对模拟假说表示强烈怀疑,她说道:“事实上,我非常好奇为什么会有很多人认为这是一个有趣的问题。” (关于Lisa Randall的更多信息可以查看《集才华与美貌于一身的女科学家》集才华与美貌于一身的女科学家。)当然,对于Lisa Randall的看法,天文物理学家Neil Tyson立即反驳并认为宇宙是被模拟的可能性非常大。而且他在大会的最后留下了一个问题:“如果我们的世界真的只是计算机模拟出来的,那么一旦出现任何漏洞,导致整个程序崩溃,届时我们将会发生什么事呢?”
但是,我们并不会从一个想法有多吸引人来判定它的科学价值。部分原因是物理之所以吸引人是因为它有时候是反直觉的,也因为它有着强大预言能力。即使我们真的生活在一个模拟世界中,也不应该改变我们对理解自然规律的追求:为什么自然规律是这样的,为什么基本常数的值是精细调谐的,以及任何你对现实本质的疑问。“因为我们生活在一个模拟世界中。” 这并不是这些问题的答案。